Head of School Welcome

Dear DGMS Families,
Welcome to our 2024-25 Discovery Garden Montessori School (DGMS) school year. Our entire staff is excited to meet both new and returning students. Join us in welcoming our teachers, learning about new staff accreditation, and reading about our theme that will help guide us through this school year.
DGMS welcomes Mrs. Camille Gomez (B.Ed) as the Lilies Directress (Primary) who brings years of elementary education experience as well as policy experience working with the Dept. of Edu. in Puerto Rico. Ms. Morgan Yansen, (M.Ed) has moved into a new role as Director of Education and Engagement focused on strengthening our Montessori curriculum, teacher support, and parent engagement. Ms. Elizabeth Bucy (M.Psy) will also be stepping into a new role as the Daffodils (Toddler) Directress. These are just 3 of the 31 staff members who make our school better each year. I am so grateful for them.
Additionally, we plan on introducing enrichment classes for our students. This summer, 6 staff members took professional development Montessori credentialing courses as part of our effort to retain high-quality Montessori education for our students.
This year, DGMS plans to focus on “Nurturing Healthy Minds & Bodies” for staff, parents, and students. Last year, we noticed the struggles all families and staff have with finding balance. We hope to be a resource to each other and to provide space when help is needed. As Head of School, I plan to focus on the following overarching goals for 2024-25:
Developing a mentorship program for our employees to grow in their important role as educators.
Educating families on avenues to use Montessori Resources in their home to support child behaviors and personal mental health.
Continuing to work with local schools to understand the needs of students as they transition into traditional school settings.
Jumpstart our Parents.4.Teachers (P4T) group which is our version of a PTA.
In all, I am grateful for your support which enables our staff and students thrive. I look forward to
meet all the students as they enter our school with their smiling faces.

Andrea Shreni, Head of School
Vision or Goal
To instill a love of learning in every child.
To assure a solid grounding in the basics of education that will help them achieve their potential.
To nurture, inspire and support each child’s individual development with an enriched and welcoming community.
To actively recruit and serve all children in hopes to attract a diverse group of students.
Our mission of Discovery Garden Montessori School is to prepare an outstanding Montessori environment that fosters collaboration, cooperation, and peace, and to provide experiences for each child to develop to their fullest potential academically, socially, and emotionally. Through the dynamic partnership of the child, caregiver, and teacher, a consistent Montessori framework for education is created, offering the tools for a journey of lifelong learning.

Our Staff
We believe in the power of collaboration and the importance of fostering relationships between our students and teachers. Our amazing dedicated team of teachers and assistant teachers are trained in the Montessori philosophy and are dedicated to helping your child reach their full potential.